FEE 2024-25
Fourth Term (Jan-Mar) school fees for the Academic year 2024-25 is payable between 01.01.2025 and 10.01.2025 through Online/ off line as mentioned below. Last date of payment with late fee is 30.01.2025.
Mode of payment
Online Payment
Fee can be paid online during the schedule period (01.01.2025- 30.01.2025) through online using Credit Card (CC), Debit Card (DC), Net Banking (NB), UPI with Convenience Charge.
Off line Payment
- Cheque/ Pay order to be deposited at any branch of YES bank located in Delhi/ NCR on all working days between 01.01.2025 and 10.01.2025 through local CTS Cheque/ Pay Order/ Demand draft in favour of ‘Birla Vidya Niketan’ payable at New Delhi. Pay-in-slip issued by the school to be deposited at Bank along with the cheque without alteration/ correction on pay-in-slip & collects the proper bank acknowledgement after payment.
- After the due date (Between 11.01.2025 and 30.01.2025 late fine will be charged and fee will be accepted in the school Accounts Office only during office working hours.
- Cheque/ Pay order to be deposited separately for each fee bill even in case of sibling. One combined cheque against 2-3 fee bills is not acceptable.
Note :
- If the last day of the due month happens to be a Holiday, the previous bank working day should be considered the last day for depositing the fee.
- In the case of cheque dishonored for any reason, the same will be treated as non receipt of fee and penal charges of Rs.500/- plus late fee as applicable will be payable by Pay order/ Demand Draft only. Parents are requested to recheck before depositing fee that cheque is correctly and completely filled and adequate balance is maintained to honour the cheque, when presented.
Pay Online